<%@LANGUAGE= "JScript" %> A1Radio

Mike's Restored Radios Collection

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Wood radios in my collection that I've restored
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Berkshire - mid 30's?

Airline 62-425 - 1936

Little General - late 30's?

RCA 85T1 - 1937

Motorola 59T5 - 1938

TrueTone 513 - 1940

Philco 40-120 - 1940

2nd Philco 40-120 - 1940

Silvertone 1661 - 1940

RCA 45X3 - 1940

RCA 26X3 - 1941

RCA 25X - 1942

RCA 56X5 - 1946

Motorola 65X14BA - 1946

Motorola 67X13 - 1947

2nd Motorola 67X13 - 1947

Wood Radios  Bakelite Radios  In Restoration  Comments 

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Bakelite/plastic radios in my collection that I've restored
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Mystery - 1939?

RCA 45X1 - 1940

RCA 14X - 1941

Northern "Rainbow" 5000 - 1946

Northern battery B4100 - 1947

Westinghouse H-122 - 1946

Stewart Warner A51T3 - 1947

Arkay Kit - late 40's and 50's

Coronado 43-8240 - 1947

Wood Radios  Bakelite Radios  In Restoration  Comments 

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Other radios in my collection that I'm currently restoring
Click on any picture for more info

TrueTone D-905 - 1937
Philco 42-345 - 1942
Homebrew AM Transmitter

Wood Radios  Bakelite Radios  In Restoration  Comments 

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