Little General? - Manufacture and date unknown |
Restored to working condition, the 'Little General' (as front name plate says, but I think it was added later as the name plate is plastic). Manufacturer and date unknown. Looks as though it may have been built from a kit? Or the chassis was made to fit the cabinet? There are penciled cut-outs on the chassis that are not cut out and the control holes were re-drilled as they were off centered. Also has an unusual tube complement: 25A6, 25Z6, 6J7, 6K7 and an unknown ballast tube, (rusty, but still works). The tube numbers are scratched on the chassis. I rewrote them using a sharpie. However one socket has 43 by it, but had a 8 pin socket with a 25A6G (I'm guessing as it's unmarked but has 8 pins) tube in it. The socket looks original and does not appear to have been replaced, so I doubt that it ever had a socket for a 43. Larsen’s Locator shows only two radios with these tubes, (using the 25A6). Both Automatic's. However it says they both used line cords, so they must have been curtain burners and this has the ballast. Larsen's also shows different filter caps than this one has. Looks like this radio uses 16x16x10x10 electrolytics. Larsen's does show 4 radios with tube lineup using the 43, Walgreens 253CL, Sears, Climax AAX and a Halson. It somewhat seems more like the Climax AAX. The Climax is the only one with 2 bands, AM and shortwave, as this radio dial shows, Broadcast plus a 200-500 meter band. The schematic for the Climax shows a different number of caps, resistors and some other difference from this radio, so it's not exact. This radio does have some nice inlay down by the knobs. Not something you usually see on a radio that seems cheaply made as this. If you have any information on this radio, please contact me. Thanks. |
Well I recapped it, refinished the cabinet and put a new cord on it. It's not very sensitive, but when connected to an antenna I do pick up some stronger stations. So it's playing once again just as this radio was meant to. Who manufactured it? Was it a kit? What year was that? If you can identify or have any information on this radio, please email me with the info. I would appreciate it very much. Thanks. - Mike |
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