My 2nd Philco 40-120 - 1940

Pics of when I received the radio


Since I use my other one just about every day I figured I should get another!

The front of the cabinet was bad enough that I had to redo it
and I lost the Broadcast-Police decal, which wasn't in best shape any ways. Here it's ready for the new decal.

I picked up the decal from Antique Electronics item=S-M907, lower right corner of sheet.
I think it looks real good. Here's the mew on on the left and an origional on my other set on the right.

It's ready to be put back together now.


Ok, this one was fairly easy. A quick recap (lost my pics!).
Then a quick redo of the cabinet. Nothing major. New decal and
there it is ready to join my other radios, playing the sweet sound
of music once again. Just as this radio was originally made to do.
- Mike

For anyone interested, here is the schematic
and service data for this radio.

Rider PDF File   - Thank You Nostalgia Air !

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